
About the Anemorphosis Research Group

The Anemorphosis Research Group serves as an on-line platform for wind power professionals, environmentalists and wind energy consultants where dissemination of information and discussion amongst members can operate on an on-going basis.

We are a team of professional researchers, engineers, economists, environmentalists, PhD and master students working on technologies to help exploit one of the most economical and technologically mature renewable sources of electricity generation: wind. The emphasis in the research is on wind energy investments development, particularly for investments located in environmentally protected areas.

Our research focuses on the following themes:

  • collects and analyses data from wind energy installations to continuously improve the cost-reducing strategy for operations and maintenance.
  • wind power forecasting systems development and applications.
  • the wind resource in coastal and offshore areas under fluctuating atmospheric stability conditions and extreme wind speed phenomena.
  • wind energy storage technologies as integrator for wind power within the electrical grid. with particular emphasis on smart grid systems.
  • modelling wind power plants combined with solar power systems to establish technical and financial feasibility, environmental compatibility and grid integration;
  • multi-agent distributed control of renewables in microgrids.
  • advanced control - condition monitoring of wind energy conversion systems to mitigate the O&M costs and ensure ecosystem biodiversity.

The Group aims to:

  • provide a forum for networking among independent researchers so that they can share ideas, experiences and problems
  • provide opportunities for collaboration and shared workload when required
  • facilitate professional development through information exchange, discussion and education about market and social research issues, latest techniques and skills
  • keep members abreast of business issues affecting the industry and industry guidelines
  • address issues specific to independent researchers
  • promote the value of independent researchers to research buyers
  • provide a resource for larger research in wind energy development and the NATURA 2000 network.
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    Wind Energy Projects Evaluation.



    Ensuring Energy Plants Operations and Maintenance Safety.



    Preserving Biodiversity. Species, Ecosystems and Landscapes.



    Ensuring high-quality services, operational conditions and processes.



    Modifying Behavior, Shifting Mindsets and Incorporating Innovation.